Saturday, February 11, 2012

I'm an awful blogger!!

okay, seriously... i totally suck at blogging. i suck so much that even my husband, reagan, was like... " should update your blog babe. you wrote that you would post up holiday pictures and you didn.t." i am L.A.M.E. aka "Laziest Ass Mama Ever." So my sincere apologies to everyone. :(


work has been rough lately... well it always has been since like forever now... but lately, i've been seriously thinking about doing something i truly enjoy and have a passion

ever since i became a momma... things changed, priorities changed, my perspective on my life changed. and honestly, it's scary...really scary. but i HAVE to put my fears aside. i CANNOT be afraid to fail. i need to take a leap of faith and one day i WILL... i will...

just the other day, i promised myself to take a leap of faith and pursue this path. that i just need to have faith in myself as i have had faith in God, and as everyone around me have faith in me to pursue what i want in life.

i want my lovebug, mia, to grow up and be inspired by me. i want her to see that i wasn't afraid to risk it all and take a chance on something i wanted. i don't want her to know fear, except the wrath of fear from her momma and daddy when she is being naughty, hehe, but you know what i mean. this world has endless possibilities and i want her to know that she has the potential to do whatever she's passionate about.

so i promised myself that i will get my photography business up and running by the end of this year... i'm in the works of getting a website set up (inspired by my baby girl) so in the mean time... everyone... spread the word. anyone looking for unique pictures with an artistic flare... hit me up!

okay... enough about that... i figured it's way too late to post up our family holiday photos... so here are mia's 7 month old pictures. I wanted to do her 6 month old shots but it was around the christmas holiday and it was way too hectic. so introducing little mia. now with 5 teeth and another on the way, super chinky eyes like her daddy, sitting like a pro, and waving and saying "bye" when she is in the mood. she's not quite crawling yet... but she's spinning around like a disc jockey spins records and scooting around like a little catapillar :)

love <3

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